Biosignals Return to the Dunn

Biosignals Return to the Dunn

We had success today recording brain activity with our open-source wireless EEG (electroencephalography) system! This is a big development step towards running studies with wireless EEG in the near future.

Thanks to everyone in the lab who worked so diligently to make this happen. Let’s keep moving forward!

Above, you can see power spectra from 8 electrodes placed on the scalp of our healthy volunteer. Data were recorded via bluetooth at 250 Hz while the volunteer rested with their eyes closed.

The strong peak at 10 Hz is the “alpha rhythm” first discovered by Hans Berger in the 1930s! You can also see the well-known inverse relationship between so-called background (i.e., non-oscillatory) brain activity and signal frequency. This 1/f relationship is the downward sloping linear tendency seen on this log-log plot. Electrodes FP1 and FP2 have higher signals above 30 Hz, likely due to muscle activity above the eyes because our volunteer was squeezing their eyes shut.

This may be the first time that brain activity has been recorded in the Dunn Building!!!

About Tim Bardouille

I’m an Associate Professor at Dalhousie University who’s been non-invasively imaging human neurophysiology since Y2K. I'm affiliated with the Physics, Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering, and Psychology and Neuroscience departments at Dal. E-mail me at to keep the conversation going.